Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Coronavirus Foretold in the Sky

A couple months ago I was pondering the meanings of the upcoming alignment of Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto on April 4, 2020. (This is when Jupiter and Pluto align the closest) Individually, all three planets move very slowly, having a relatively long year path around the sun. Their cyclical paths and orbit make this triad alignment incredibly rare. Below are some snapshots of the planets will look when aligned in early April. But again, because of their individually slow movement, but they already have a similar positioning right now.

The visible alignment of Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto finally become conjunct between the constellations of Capricorn and Sagittarius. The proximity of planetary alignments to Zodiac constellations give insight as to the intended meaning for and effect on our world.

Capricorn is the known as father figure of the Zodiac signs. This suggests authority will be an important theme.

Sagittarius is known as the Blue Flame and is hottest, most hyped up, most radical of all the fire signs. This suggests that world events will be highly publicized and in the forefront of public consciousness.

In regards to the planets involved, Jupiter is generally a very good, fortune sign. It generally symbolizes what we are gaining, where we are expanding, what we are coming into. Despite it’s individual strength, Jupiter’s effect is overpowered when it aligns with the two more ominous planets Saturn and Pluto. Pluto is the planet of death, change, and transition opposing Jupiter’s good fortune. Saturn is a planet of structure, rules, and restrictions, opposing Jupiter’s normal expansion and freedom.

Because Pluto and Jupiter are closer in proximity to Sagittarius, the hottest of the fire signs, we can expect to see more energy, more hype in relation to the things happening in the world.

Saturn’s rules and structure being close to Capricorn, the father authority figure, is likely a symbol of government restriction, which we’ve seen already in the travel restrictions and quarantine effort. We will likely see more of that coming soon.

Mars is a symbol of war, what a person fights for and where they put their effort and energy. The proximity of Mars to the authority of Capricorn adds additional meaning to the triad event. I expect more authoritative restrictions but more so the effort of pushing it by governments, etc because of the Mars alignment. This reinforces the symbol of more quarantines happening.

While these haven't come fully into alignment we are already seeing the manifestation of their meaning in the collective state of our world. The alarming news reports of fast spreading coronavirus, mounting deaths, and the response of world governments in putting restrictions on people in an attempt to contain the virus match the meaning of the heavenly alignment and zodiac positioning. This is actually quite ominous because it implies that these affairs may intensify when these planets alignment hits more directly in a couple of weeks or so.

I plan on visiting this topic again soon

Disclaimer: Interpreting the stars I have not found accuracy in foretelling how severe something is or whether an outcome is good or bad but find more accuracy in looking at what types of themes are coming up

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